TABUK CITY, Kalinga – The City Health and Services Office (CHSO) reported one Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) case in the city from January to March this year, bringing a total of 38 cases from 1984 to present. This is according to a data from the Regional Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit of the Department of Health.
Hilda Adong of the CHSO said that while the case is considered low, HIV/AIDS can easily spread, so the CHSO is continuously conducting screening and counseling activities in the city’s different barangays to prevent the spread of the virus.
She mentioned that HIV/AIDS affects anyone, including women and children. She said it spreads from the body fluids of an infected person, including blood, breast milk, semen, and vaginal fluids.
“Haan nga amin nga carrier ket member ti LGBT community, meron ding carrier nga masikog, meron ding male. Ang sexually transmitted infection is nakukuha mostly sa pamamagitan ng sex, so consistent and correct use of condoms is important,” Adong said.
Adong also stated that prevention is crucial, which includes the application of the “ABC” approaches of abstinence/delay of sexual debut, being faithful/partner reduction, and condom use.
Adong encourages anyone who suspects themselves to have acquired the virus to attend the screening or have themselves checked. She added that 15-year-olds no longer need consent from parents to get checked. She also ensured that information about the patient would remain confidential.
Republic Act No. 11166, or the Philippine HIV and AIDS Policy Act, guarantees the confidentiality and privacy of any individual undergoing the entirety of the HIV testing and treatment process. By Sunshine Soco and Rod Asurin