MANKAYAN, Benguet – Some fifteen residents of the town were able to complete the prescribed livelihood training that will allow them to serve as local trainers for the local government’s internet-based livelihood program which is being done in partnership with the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT).
Mayor Frenzel Ayong said that some of the graduates of the livelihood training are private individuals who could opt to do business on their own while most of them are government workers who will serve as the trainers in the implementation of the local government’s internet-based livelihood program geared towards empowering the members of the marginalized sectors to be productive using their homes as the base of their work.
He disclosed that the purchase of some 10 desktop and 10 laptop computers are now underway wherein such units of equipment will serve as the tools to facilitate the trainings that will be provided to interested individuals wanting to earn a decent income even if they will be working inside their homes with the assistance of computers and strong internet signal.
The implementation of the municipal government’s internet-based livelihood program is being done with the active participation of Lepanto Consolidated Mining corporation (LCMC) and the Far Southeast Gold resources, Inc..
“We are happy on the way we are gaining ground in the implementation of one of our flagship programs which is to empower the members of the town’ marginalized sector to be able to continue earning a decent income for their families. We are also elated on the reception of the concerned sectors on the implementation of the program that is why we are doing our best to hit the ground going,” Mayor Ayong stressed.
According to him, the training center that will be used by the trainers to train interested individuals is also undergoing the appropriate refurbishment and facelift in preparation for the arrival of the computers that will be purchased so that the schedule of the trainings will be finalized.
Mayor Ayong revealed that members of the marginalized sectors who want to earn a living even when inside their homes will be the priority recipients of the program so that they will be able to make a big difference in helping uplift the living condition of their families.
He also expressed his gratitude to the concerned sectors of the municipality for signifying their intention to avail of the program and to the different parts of the municipality for providing their countperrparts just to ensure the successful implementation of the provision of livelihood trainings to interested individuals wanting to be provided with trainings to equip them to become productive members of the society.
Ayong stated that the local government will also be closely working with the telecommunication companies to sustain the improvement of their signals in the different parts of the municipality so that there will be more people from the remote villages who will be enticed to avail of the livelihood program for them to be able to become productive members of the community and contribute in spurring the town’s economic activities and provide additional sources of livelihood.