One morning, I was thinking about my dreams, goals and aspirations. I was seemingly stuck. What will you do when you’re stuck? I thought it’s time to review the basics. And so I did.
You probably have heard of this line: See your dream in 3D (three dimensions). In other words, you need to be crystal of your dreams. You need to see it, feel it, and ‘hold’ it. After all, you’ve heard it said countless times: What your mind can conceive, the body can achieve. Thus, you need to see your dream in 3D.
But as I was reading about great people and observing their actions, there is much more than simply seeing your dream in 3D. It is much better to 3D your dream. Warning: You already know these!
First, define. You need to define your dream. It has to be clear. To see your dream in 3D is powerful – this is the first part, the definition part.
Recently, there were a total of 5,468 new Certified Public Accountants in the Philippines. Out of the 13,317 examinees, 41% passed. I have a guess that before the 41% were able to pass the CPA Licensure Exam last October, they have defined it. Perhaps, they said, “I will pass the CPA Board Exam on October 2015.”
Take a look back on the dreams you have achieved. Did it ever occur to you that you had to define what those dreams were?
What is your dream? When do you plan to achieve it? What are the ways on how you measure your achievement in that particular dream?
Write them down. Create dream boards if you want to. Define your dream.
Second, do. Action is necessary! Hard work! Execution!
Last week, we conducted a workshop on public speaking. Part of which was responding to an impromptu question. To demonstrate the speech patterns mentioned by my fellow speaker, I was asked to answer a question raised by one of the participants. Her question was, “Is accountancy really that hard?”
I answered, “Accountancy is not…” Then I paused. I continued. “…easy.” I repeated, “Accountancy is not easy. You need hard work. The number and scope of subjects in the CPA board exam indicates that it is not easy.” I went on to give examples. “If your dream is to become a Certified Public Accountant, then you need to read tons of accounting, taxation, and business law books. You need to solve those nerve-wracking auditing problems. You need hard work!” Then I ended, “To become a CPA is not easy… but it is achievable.”
Whatever your dream is, you need to ‘do’ it. Action is a must. After those definitions, descriptions and designs, it’s time to get out to the field and do the required action.
What are those little things that you can do on a regular basis to achieve your dream?
Third, deliver. We often miss this part. But this is a crucial part.
I met someone who finished a degree in accountancy and attended review classes but opted not to take the board exam. The reason: fear of failing. Sayang! Aside from the fear of failing are also the fear of rejection, or the excuse for perfectionism – these keep us from delivering. But the fear of delivering could be overcome by the joy in delivering.
Some years ago, I dreamt of writing and publishing my book. I defined it. I wrote my working title, started an outline and put on a deadline. The deadline came and I was ready with my manuscript. But there’s a little voice saying, “What will people say? Will somebody even read it? What if I commit mistakes?”
I was almost there… and then I almost did not deliver. Thanks that I did otherwise. I published it!
True enough, as I read it today, I found lapses, sentences that could be better stated, analogies that could be improved or even changed. The book is not perfect.
But readers say they were moved, inspired, and empowered. There were words of appreciation, words of thanks, and words of inquiry – for when the next book is coming. Yes, the book is not perfect. But these – amidst the errors, lapses and misses – are priceless rewards. There goes the joy in delivering. After all, it is better to seek progress rather than perfection.
Decide to deliver. Have you been delaying something? Could this be the time to deliver?
This completes the process of 3D’ing your dream.
As I reflect on these 3Ds, I am also challenged to go further. Should you decide to 3D your dream, I’m with you. Together, let us commit to 3D our dreams!
(Chris Dao-anis/CPA, as an author and speaker, helps young and aspiring professionals become better communicators and leaders. Visit or email him at