TABUK CITY, Kalinga – City Mayor Darwin Estrañero ordered the total lockdown of four (4) barangays in the city following the discovery of the confirmed case after nearly three (3) months under community quarantine.
The total lockdown of barangays Bulanao Centro, Bulanao Norte, Ipil, and Laya West will take effect on June 11, 2020 and will expire in five (5) days or until such time time that the close contacts of the COVID-19 patient shall test negative for the virus, whichever comes first.
Under lockdown rules, no movement of people will be allowed in the covered areas but individuals who were issued home quarantine passes will be allowed to go out for essential and medical needs only.
Mayor Estrañero ordered the conduct of aggressive contact tracing to the companions of the COVID-19 patient that boarded a chartered bus from Metro Manila to the city so that probable and suspected COVID-19 carriers could be immediately isolated.
Reports stated that 15 of the bus passengers are from the city while 10 of them are from other Kalinga towns.
The patient, his wife, and his child are now doing well in the city’s isolation facility.
Several sectors in the city criticized the handlers of the program on returning locally stranded individuals for their alleged failure to comply with quarantine rules that resulted to the discovery of the first COVID-19 case in the city.
By Hent