FLORA, Apayao – Forty-three (43) farmers from Flora, Apayao, received agricultural inputs from the National Irrigation Association-Irrigation Management Office (NIA-IMO-Apayao) under the Rice Contract Farming Scheme in a distribution program held at the NIA-IMO office in Flora on June 5, 2024.
Representing three Irrigators Associations (IAs) – the Bacicol Federation Irrigators Association, Lagac-Sta. Maria IA, and Namnama Ti Tamalunog IA, the farmers were provided with hybrid seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, molluscicides, and malathion. These inputs will be used to cultivate 71.5 hectares of farmland through the contract farming scheme.
Under this scheme, NIA and the IAs signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) in which NIA distributes P50,000.00 worth of farm inputs each cropping season. These include seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. Upon meeting the minimum target of 100 bags of palay, the IAs will receive P50,000.00 after harvest, with additional compensation for any excess production.
This initiative aims to reduce production expenses for farmers through government assistance and support, such as seedlings, fertilizers, and machinery. Moreover, it helps provide more affordable rice to consumers, thus promoting food security and enhancing the economic well-being of Apayao farmers. By Michelle Acantilado