BAGUIO CITY – The Adiwang Elementary School of Baguio Central District, held their last quarterstaff development training on March 28, 2017, on Bullying, as enunciated under Republic Act 10627, “An Act Requiring all Elementary and Secondary Schools to Adopt Policies to Prevent and Address the Acts of Bullying,” otherwise known as the Anti-bullying Act of 2013.
Police Officer 2 Jalera C. Pablo, and Police Officer 2 Generosa L. Figueras of Baguio City Police Office Station 10, were the resource speaker and facilitator respectively.
The two police officers focused their topics on Rule IV, section 4 and section 6, which are the adoption of anti-bullying policies from kindergarten to secondary level, and prevention programs that need to involve all members of the education sector, stakeholders, and personnel.
“A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself”
The school Principal, Mr. Philip B. Sagalla, reiterate the importance of the said training as he cited numerous problem/cases the school needs to attend to in implementing disciplinary measures or intervention program for the bully as mandated in the child protection policy. – By: Eugene B. Patinglag