LUNA, Apayao – To facilitate the implementation of the Integrated Management Master Plan (IMMP) of the Apayao-Abulog River Basin (AARB) of the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) and Region 2, a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) signing between the LGUs, academe, and Regional Line Agencies (RLAs) was initiated at the Payanan Eco-tourism and Sports Complex, San Gregorio here recently.
The activity was an initiative of the DENR by virtue of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 816 and E.O. No. 192 Series of 1987 which holds them as the primary government agency responsible for the development of an integrated river basin master plan funded by the Philippine Government through the mandates of the River Basin Control Office (RBCO) under E.O. No. 510.
Participating regional agencies both from Region II and CAR include DILG, NEDA, DPWH, OCD, DOST, DSWD, DA, DAR, NCIP, MGB, EMB, NIA, BFAR, PIA, DOT, DepEd, DTI, the Provincial Government of Apayao and Cagayan as well as the Rep. Eleanor C. Bulut-Begtang of the lone district of Apayao and Rep. Baby Aline Vargas-Alfonso of Congressional District 2 of Cagayan Valley.
The LGUs of the different municipalities covered by the basin were also among the partners of these agencies who also share with the national government the responsibility specifically in the management and maintenance of ecological balance within their territorial jurisdiction as provided under the Local Government Code.
DENR as the lead agency within the memorandum has the responsibility to convene the committees as well as to monitor all environment and natural resources rules and regulation.
“We must buy the idea that planning and implementation is most effective if done collectively,” said DENR-CAR Regional Director Ralph C. Pablo.
Moreover, DA-BFAR has committed to lead the Coastal and Fresh Water Management Committee; NIA to lead the Water Resource Management Committee; NEDA to lead the Institutional Development Committee.
The clusters of other agencies such as DA, DPWH, DTI, OCD, DOST-PAG-ASA, DSWD, DAR, NCIP, MGB, EMB, PIA, DOT, and DepEd have also committed to issue appropriate and necessary administrative orders, special orders and memorandum orders supportive of the PPAs of the council.
Notwithstanding, the Congressional Districts of Apayao and Cagayan will ensure that PPAs identified in the Apayao-Abulug Integrated River Basin Master Plan are implemented with sufficient budget appropriations integrated into the National Government Agencies (NGAs) annual budget while the LGUs have committed to take charge of clearing of obstructions such as illegal encroachment within the AARB river systems an in declared hazard areas within its respective territories assisted by DILG specially in crafting local legislative measures addressing the possible effect landslides and flooding.
Water Districts and Civil Society Organizations Representatives will collaborate with various stakeholders and participate in sustainable AARB management programs.
Apayao State College (ASC) and the Cagayan State University (CSU) were also among the partners of the council to perform their academic expertise and as mandated in the four-fold functions—instruction, research, extension and production.
The vital role of these cooperating agencies is recognized by the government in the protection, rehabilitation, development, management and utilization of natural resources found inside the said basin for the improvement of the water yield capacities of its aquifers and rivers to ensure sustainable water supply for domestic, energy, fisheries agricultural and industrial use.
Further, in partnership with other advocates such as industry organizations, private sectors, CSOs, NGOs and business enterprises sectors and religious sectors, said cooperating agencies were among the core members and officials who composed Apayao-Abulog River Basin Council (AARBC) which functions as the coordinative, advisory, policy planning and management body for the AARB.
The participating agencies, as stated in the signed MOC and in their commitments, recognize AARB as a vital resource as well as the urgency of the needs to properly manage the said basin in support to the social and economic development of both beneficiary regions.
This is also a national strategy for sustainable development as adopted in the Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) and as per DENR Memorandum Circular 2008-05, Series 2008, compliant to Article II, Section 16 of the 1987 Constitution which provides for the advancement of the right of the Filipino people to a healthful and balanced ecology.
“I hope with our cooperation, we will be able to iron programs towards the protection of our environment like what we have been doing here in our province,” said Apayao Governor Elias C. Bulut Jr.
“Protecting our forests is everybody’s moral obligation; thus the need to collaborate,” Gov. Bulut emphasized.
Gov. Bulut is the chairman of the AARBC and co-chaired by Gov. Antonio.
The AARB is situated in the northern sections of Cagayan Valley and CAR and is one of the 18 major river basins in the Philippines covering seven municipalities in the province of Apayao and five in the municipalities of Cagayan or 123 barangays from these respective provinces.
The AARB has three sub-basins—the upper sub-basin found in the municipalities of Conner, Kabugao and Calansan; the lower sub-basin which lies within the municipalities of Flora, Pudtol, Sta. Marcela, Luna, Allacapan, and; the Coastal Sub-basin found in the municipalities of Sanchez Mira, Pamplona, Ballesteros, Abulug.
In view of its watershed size, the said river basin ranks 9th among the Philippine’s largest river systems with drainage area spanning 3,776 square kilometers and stretching to a length of 175 kilometers. It has 33 tributaries—one of these is the Nagan River which was adjudged as the cleanest in the land bodies of the Cordillera and the first runner up in the Search for Cleanest River in the Philippines.
According to available data from DENR as reported by Community Environment and Natural Resources (CENR) Officer-In-Charge Dr. Candido J. Tuscano, most of the basin’s covers are found in the province of Apayao.
Further, Apayao province has forest cover of about 277, 142 hectares or 54.20% of the existing land use. 50% of the total land areas are brush and grasslands with only 6.42% agriculture area and 1.48% built up areas.
“Aside from the two Dams—the Dacao Dam and Swan Dam—it [the Apayao-Abulog River Basin] has yet more potentials that should be harnessed,” said Dr. Tuscano in his report.
Meanwhile, NEDA Director Milagros T. Rimando, awarded the out-going DILG-CAR Director John M. Castañeda, who is now the current DILG-Region II Director, with a Plaque of Appreciation during the said event.
Director Rimando, a former NEDA-II Director, also commended Director Pablo and the officialdom of Apayao and Abulog for the convergence program of the two regions. The event, she said, is as reunion of what she considers as her two families—CAR and Region II.