LUNA, Apayao – Apayao Governor Elias Bulut Jr. and Congresswoman Eleanor Bulut-Begtang, immersed themselves in the Agta community of Sitio Bayugao, Turod, Luna last March 20, 2023 as part of the deep dive learning journey under the Leadership Development Program through DOH Cordillera Center for Health Development (DOH-CHD-CAR) and the Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF).
The Agta community shares the population of existing indigenous peoples of the province that include the Isnags, the Kankanaeys, and iKalingas. At least 50 households of the ethnic group are known to have settled in Sitio Bayugao, which was identified as the immersion site.
Gov. Bulut Jr. and Rep. Bulut-Begtang were joined by other department heads from the provincial government in visiting two families in the sitio to learn further about the pressing issues on teenage pregnancy and malnutrition that are prevalent among the Agtas. The immersion continued with a visit to Bayugao Elementary School where at least 46 Agta children are enrolled.
The activity not only aimed to uncover the plight of the Agta community, but also primarily sought to determine the reasons behind teenage pregnancy and malnutrition among the ethnic group. The activity also revealed current challenges in livelihood and food security.
During the visit to Bayugao Elementary School, where parents were present, the participation of the Agtas was encouraged, especially in terms of seeking the government’s services not only in terms of health but also in education, registration of births, environmental protection, and livelihood.
Governor Bulut Jr. then said that apart from looking into the gaps in health of his Agta constituents, there is a need to look into the status of their dwellings and their source of livelihood. He then committed to create an intersectoral task force that will look into the development of a plan that will direct long-term solutions for the inequities among the Agtas. The Agtas rely on hunting, gathering, seasonal farming, and basket making as means of livelihood.
“What is crucial is the involvement of everyone from the Barangay, Municipal, Provincial, and all sectors to enhance social commitment and community participation of the Agtas,” said Cong. Bulut-Begtang, in support of the Governor’s commitment.
According to Charlyn Tagabing, DOH provincial representative, addressing the social determinants of health through a whole-of-society approach, a principle that is adhered to in the Universal Health Care Act, is a way to reach and bring health to all the corners of Apayao. By CEWaytan
My wife and I will move to Luna, Apayao in January 2024. We hope to serve the Agta people there. Please contact me at jgapinoy at g m d o t c o m to see how we might work together.