Are you growing yourself? Growth is something we have to choose to do. One of the ways to help us grow is to attend worthwhile workshops.
Yes, I conduct some trainings but I attend more trainings as a participant. Last July, I attended one. The trainer asked us (those who want to receive a bonus) to write a reflection about the training and here is what I have came up with. Let me share it with you today:
“To know and not to do is not yet to know.” a quote from Confucious that was shared by high-impact trainer Raymond Lim during the first Money Making Muscle Workshop in Baguio City. I thought I knew the concepts discussed but I really didn’t know them unless I apply them and benefit from the results they offer. I learned a lot and I am moved to apply them in life.
I write this reflection as a manifesto, a resolution, a declaration of the learnings, desires and actions I shall do to exercise my money making muscles… more so, to live a better life.
I shall uphold that success lies in me. I shall not relinquish my responsibilities to become successful to outside forces like the government or circumstances.
I shall tap on the power of repetition. This shall manifest in the thoughts that I think, the words that I say to myself and others, and the actions I take every single day. With my thoughts, words and actions, the powerful success principles I learned shall become part of my belief system and as I apply them, it shall become part of me.
I shall befriend momentum. I shall start taking actions, push boundaries and break out of my comfort zone. I shall summon the courage to grab the opportunity when it opens. I shall be ready. When windows of opportunity opens, I shall go for it before it closes. As I start taking actions, I shall gain more traction and momentum.
I shall tap on the power of clarity and in setting goals. This shall be combined with the previous declaration to have my momentum going in the right direction. When setting my goals, it is important that I begin with my desired destination, locate my present position, and identify the necessary actions to arrive to my desired destination. I understand that things are created twice. It happens in the mind first before it happens in real life.
I shall erase my excuses often disguised as reasons. I shall focus on my goals and take the necessary actions to achieve them. I understand that opportunities come and go. And the world keeps on whether I jump on the boat of opportunity or not. I have to do something. I need to grab opportunities. I shall stop merely observing. I shall not be left out. I shall go, grow and glow.
I shall create good habits. I need to form habits of success. To do so, I need to make right choices. I shall learn from the habits of people who have achieved what I want to achieve and emulate them.
I shall view money as it is supposed to be. I shall be a master of money not a slave of it. If I want to earn more money, I have to create more value and serve others. It does not necessarily take money to create more money. I just need to get more creative and create works that add value to people.
I shall discharge my obligation to get rich. But more than an obligation, it is my birthright.
I shall claim it. In my desire to increase my wealth, I shall activate my wealth consciousness and increase my wealth consciousness level. Money shall not be the end goal – the ultimate goal is to serve others.
I shall focus on creating and giving value and find ways to leverage this to multiply the results. In so doing, I will benefit myself and others. In my business transactions, I shall put to practice that value should always be greater than the price. I shall give more. I shall share more. It shall start with the basic value and if I want to demand for greater price, I shall add more value. My customers should have that experience of satisfaction. High satisfaction. It will be more than just business. It is about serving and loving.
I shall appreciate what I want to ‘appreciate.’ I shall focus on the positive. I shall seek what is right. I shall appreciate the good side of things, people, circumstance and events.
I shall invest my time rather than consume it. I shall focus on positive and value-adding activities. I shall be reminded that time constantly moves. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Thus, it is important to always assess my position – am I better off now or worse off. If it is the former, then I’m on track. If it is the latter, then I need to change something. There is no such thing as steady. If there is no growth of me compared to who I was yesterday, it means I became worse. Hence, I have to catch up. I have to become better.
I shall grow my network if I want to grow my networth. The growth of my network shall not only be in quantity but more so, on the quality. Are they supporting me in my goals? Am I supporting them too? May we bring each other to abundance.
I shall work the law of accumulation to my benefit. With due consistency, I shall hit my target. I shall not keep on changing my goals. I shall keep on showing up. If I need to adjust my actions, then go I shall. I shall hit it until I hit it.
I shall begin with the winner’s mindset. I shall win at the moment I begin.
I shall celebrate my successes. Success attract success. As I proceed in achieving my goals, I shall learn to celebrate every achievement. Yes, even the small successes. This will also keep me motivated in the pursuit of my goals. I shall cause more results and may my results cause for causes that produces results. May these causes and results be aligned to my goals – to success.
I shall use my gifts to my best. I have been bestowed with gifts. May I use them to the best – to serve others. May it be my work of workship to the Giver of Gifts – My God.
May I go, do these things. So help me God.
(Thank you, Mr. Raymond Lim for creating this magnificent MMM workshop. May God bless you more, guide you more, lead you more… and be a blessing to more people.)
Note: Yesterday, the second run of this workshop in Baguio was held. Another batch of participants had an amazing transformational experience. There could be a third run. If you are interested, feel free to email to get updates.
My friend, let us choose to grow!
(Chris Dao-anis aims to empower his fellow young minds with practical instruction and inspiration in the fields of communication and personal leadership. He authored three books to date: The Gift of the Ordinary, 7 Keys to Achieve Your Aspirations, and the soon-to-be-launched Living Large in the Little Things. For talks, seminars and speech coaching, email him at You can order his latest book at a specially discounted price at You are also invited to the FREE Living Large Seminar & Book Launch on Sep 10. Register today at