TINOC, Ifugao – A 34-year old member of the Civilian Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU) after he was shot to death by three still unidentified armed men suspected to be members of the New Peoples Army (NPA) at sitio Ubo-ub, Binablayan, here, recently.
Senior Superintendent Constancio Chinayog, officer-in-chinayog, Jr., officer-in-charge of the Ifugao Provincial Police Office, identified the fatality as Agustin Bugtong Andres, 34, married, CAA member of 5th IFCAAC, Tinoc, Patrol Base Alpha Company, 77th Infantry Battalion, 1D, PA, Impugong, Tinoc, Ifugao and a resident of Eheb, Tinoc, Ifugao.
Initial police investigation showed that the victim, togheter with his companions were on board a jeepney loaded with tomatoes bound for Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya when upon reaching the place of incident, the road was blocked by rocks that promoted the driver to stop their vehicle.
At this juncture, three armed men who came from a tent being used by laborers near the road and requested the victim to a light from the vehicle.
The suspects also requested another motorcycle-riding CAFGU member who was later identified as Marlon Humiwat and subjected the two CAFGU members to interrogation.
After several moments, the suspects released Humiwat while Andres was left behind in the place of incident upon orders of the suspects.
Residents living near the area then heard five gunshots emanating from the area and upon their visit to the place, they saw the lifeless body of the victim sprawled on the ground with blood oozing from the different portions of his body.
The suspect was rushed to the Tinoc District Hospital for medical treatment but he was declared dead on arrival by attending physicians.
The case is still subject to further investigation by both the police and military operatives in the area.
By Dexter A. See