The city government has received at least eight lot offers for its socialized housing projects.
City Assessor Maria Almaya Addawe said the lots are now being inspected to determine their viability for the purpose.
“Due diligence will be done to check if these lots are fit for our intended purpose which is for socialized housing projects,” she said.
The mayor earlier tasked Addawe to scout for lots inside and outside the city to implement more socialized housing programs for informal settlers.
He also promised to help city government employees who are still renting to be allocated slots in future projects.
The mayor said Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) Secretary Eduardo Del Rosario had committed to help the city implement more projects next to its first socialized permaculture housing venture, the Luna Terraces in Irisan barangay.
Luna Terraces was made possible through the DHSUD which gave a P155 million grant for the site development and the National Housing Authority which allocated a total of P326 million for the city’s housing projects, P50 million had been downloaded for the initial two buildings with 64 units.
The project will have 270 units for award to qualified beneficiaries subject to the criteria set by the Office of the City Social Welfare and Development Officer (OCSWDO).
Priority will be given to informal settlers or families residing in danger areas or displaced by natural or human-induced disasters, among other criteria.
At present, the city has an estimated 15,000 families in need of socialized housing prompting the city government to scout for more lots to develop as housing for them.