The City Budget Office is hoping that the proposed 2025 annual budget of the local government will be approved at the earliest possible time similar to what happened last year for the P2.7 billion 2024 budget of the city.
City Budget Officer lawyer Leticia O. Clemente said that the annual budget operation season for calendar year 2025 warrants the active involvement of local government offices.
She pointed out that last year was unprecedented where the executive department submitted to the local legislative body one month earlier than the deadline and subsequently, the body approved it also a month before the end of the year.
The city budget officer claimed that this year, the local government aims to do the same with the utmost cooperation of all the departments.
“Time to revisit our plans and programs and dialogues with our stakeholders, including our line agency partners who are in the service of the city. This is to maximize the use of the resources available to use,” Clemente stressed.
According to her, there is a lot going on in the city today and the local finance committee acting collectively and individually are involved in all financial studies.
“We understand that our recommendations are crucial to policy makers in deciding on whether to pursue or not a certain proposal. To our officials, we assure you of our accountability and responsibility of providing recommendations that are advantageous to the local government,” Clemente said.
On the other hand, she admitted that there are a lot of challenges ahead, but though many of the people are not living their dreams because of their fears, it is natural to have fears, but6 the same are not meant to stay for there is no greater impediment to fearing others than fearing oneself.
Clemente asserted that courage can only be if one has walked through vulnerability, thus, people should take a moment to reflect on their goals and aspirations for the day ahead, start with a positive mindset and strive to make the best of every moment because every day is a new day full of opportunities. By Dexter A. See