Three decades ago the Aquino Administration through Congress enacted twin laws that created the Cooperative Code of the Philippines (RA 6938) now RA 9520 and the Cooperative Development Authority (RA 6939) now RA 11364. Thanks to the receptive and responsive cooperative sector. Several changes were introduced in the revisions based on the experiences shared by the cooperative sector and stakeholders. RA 6938 was revised in 2008 including its Implementing Rules and Regulations while RA 6939 was revised last 2020.
The CDA under its new Charter started to involve different cooperatives in its activities. With the Board of Directors (formerly called Administrators) representing various clusters of cooperatives there is a need to re-orient various cooperatives. The clusters of cooperatives include a) Credit and Financial Services, Banking, and Insurance; b) Consumers, Marketing, Producers and Logistics; c) Human Services, Health, Housing, Workers and Labor Service; d) Education and Advocacy; e) Agriculture, Agrarian, Aquaculture, Farmers, Dairy, and Fisher folk; and f) Public Utilities, Electricity, Water, Communication and Transport. The public will know more about the ongoing strengthening activities of CDA. The agency is awaiting approval of organizational plans including plantilla positions submitted to concerned agencies for their consideration.
As part of the CDA family allow me to share part of my growth with the agency. Eight years after the enactment of the CDA law, I joined government service after spending my younger years in the private sector and government-assisted projects. It is a great journey being with the agency. Good and bad things happen in my life as a result of my employment with the Authority. But I treasure the good ones having greater weight than that of the challenges.
Foremost, my entry into government service helped me interact with people from all walks of life. It was a continuation of my previous jobs focused on working with the grassroots, local, and national government units. It reinforced the desire to be of help to people that clamor for genuine government services.
Secondly, it was an opportunity and privilege to travel to many places. Having been assigned to various parts of the Cordillera and visited other areas in the Philippines. My involvement in national activities paved the way to appreciate God’s creation and the wonders of nature. Meeting people of different cultures enhanced by knowledge, attitude, and skills. It was an added experience that I will treasure forever.
Finally, my employment with CDA provided me the needed resources to support my family. The income derived from employment forms part of our conjugal resources that enable us to send our children to school, sustain our daily needs, shared to relatives, friends, and the church as a gesture of support and thanksgiving. It might not be that much but I am grateful to CDA for embracing me as one of its workforces.
Thank you to all our stakeholders and let us all sustain our passion, perseverance, dedication, and commitment to influence people and make a difference. Challenges may come to test our existence as natural and juridical persons. Unity and Trust is in us. Truly, God is our witness in all our endeavors. May the good Lord guide us all!