Quezon City—The Taloy Sur Irrigators’ Association (IA) of Tuba, Benguet was awarded Most Outstanding IA-First Runner-up for the Year 2016 (national level) under the communal irrigation system (CIS) category for achieving exemplary performance in managing the operation and maintenance of its irrigation system.
Gen. Ricardo R. Visaya (Ret.), Administrator of the National Irrigation Administration (NIA), awarded the plaque of recognition and cash award of P70,000.00 to the IA on June 22, 2017, during the 54th NIA Anniversary held at the NIA Central Office in Quezon City.
Taloy Sur IA maintains and operates the Taloy Sur Communal Irrigation System located in Brgy. Taloy Sur, Tuba, Benguet which was first constructed in 1988 and rehabilitated after the big earthquake in 1990. The irrigation system was custom-built, composed mainly of reservoir tanks and HDPE pipelines to serve the mountainous topography and distinctive crops of Benguet. It supplies irrigation to vegetables such as sayote and Baguio beans as well as some cutflowers such as rose and anthurium. Taloy Sur IA’s office which was established through the organization’s fundraising activities is located at the 2nd View Deck along Marcos Highway in Taloy Sur, Tuba.
“Thank you very much for all those who supported us, especially the NIA with their unending support ever since the establishment of our association way back in 1987,” said Mr. Brian Ducat, president of the outstanding IA, whose late father was the first president of the IA. Like Mr. Ducat, other officers and members of Taloy Sur IA were also children of the old members of Taloy Sur IA.
“We tried our best to equip ourselves with the skills and knowledge in managing an organization by attending all capability-building seminars and training conducted by NIA and other agencies,” he added.
Ducat said that through the system management training, they were able to learn how to operate and maintain their irrigation system with minimal supervision from the NIA. According to the officers, minor damages to their irrigation facilities caused by storms are efficiently repaired by the members themselves. Water delivery schedules and other guidelines are also strictly implemented.
Ratings of the IA in functionality surveys reveal gradual improvement through the years. In 2015, it was conferred with Special Performance Award as Most Outstanding IA for the Year 2014. In 2016, it was adjudged fifth runner-up in the Annual Search for 2015 Most Outstanding IA nationwide.
Engr. John Socalo, regional manager of NIA-CAR, hopes that the award both serve as challenge and inspiration to all IAs in the region to do better in their performance in managing and operating their irrigation systems and to all NIAns as they support the farmers’ associations in the region.