BAGUIO CITY – The Cordillera office of the Department of Education revealed thousands of public school teachers from the different parts of the region are ready for the implementation of the K to 12 education system in order to be able to cope with the neighboring countries in the Asia-Pacific region implementing a 12-year basic education system.
The chosen Cordillera public school teachers were among the thousands of public school teachers nationwide who attended the week-long mass training of Grade 10 teachers on the K to 12 enhanced basic education program.
Ellen Donato, Dep Ed-CAR regional director, said the training is geared towards equipping the Grade 10 teachers on the updates concerning K to 12 programs that will benefit them through added knowledge and enhanced skills in teaching the upcoming senior high school enrolees.
Among the new updates regarding the preparation before the implementation of the K to 12 basic education program next year is the new grading system under Dep Ed Order No. 8, series of 2015 or popularly known as policy guidelines on classroom assessment for the K to 12 basic education program which is patterned with a particular equivalency that will cater mass promotion of students in the different levels and the modification of lesson log that will guide teachers in their K to 12 modules.
Furthermore, the K to 12 basic education program will provide a symbiotic relationship between teaching and the technology trends wherein teaching in the 21st century is too much affected by media in the form of blogs, Wikipedia, social networking like facebook, twitter and you tube.
Along this line, students can easily access information anytime, anywhere and everywhere with the use of internet through computers and even mobile phones that are internet-ready or wifi-ready.
Donato challenged private and public school teachers to be more effective in teaching because of the new technologies that will conveniently help them in delivering their lessons more effectively, thus, every teacher must re-invent or adopt the new learning style.
At present, Donato admitted that there are still numerous traditional teachers who refuse to learn the 21st century learning style, especially that many of the educators are not inclined with the basic operation of computers and usage of its software.
She also encouraged teachers to join numerous training workshops and seminars that will inculcate new learning strategies coming from different speakers and lecturers around the country.
Donato cited it is proper for teachers to adopt the styles of different speakers and they can use the same in their daily endeavors to update their teaching methods beneficial to the learning atmosphere of the children.
“If we do not change our traditional attitude to a positive outlook, we will never be heading towards positive change, internally and outrightly,” Donato stressed.
According to her, the teaching profession is a trial and error process wherein a teacher should welcome everyday changes brought about by new trends and the K to 12 mass training of public school teachers and the enhanced basic education program is an annual workshop and training intended to prepare teachers in the upcoming implementation of the senior high school next year.
Donato claimed the region is ready for the implementation of the K to 12 basic education program and that structures are now being put in place in order to effectively and efficiently address the problems that will crop up when the same will be implemented.
By Jessie Maguiya