TABUK CITY, Kalinga – The City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) was given three regional recognitions from the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) recently.
These awards are Level 3 Service Delivery Capacity Assessment with a grade of 2.89%, Paglaray Award (Good Practices), and Paglaray Award (Most Comprehensive Report) for 2022.
The Level 3 Service Delivery Capacity Assessment also included the implementation of programs for persons with disabilities, senior citizens and the youth.
According to City Social Welfare and Development Officer Susana Daluping, the following recognitions affirm the effective implementation of the office’s programs and services, and the perseverance of every staff of every division in the performance of their duty.
Daluping noted that this is the first time that the CSWDO has garnered Level 3 recognition in terms of service delivery capacity after the assessment period conducted last October 13, 2022.
The demonstration of remarkable innovations and strategies of the CSWDO greatly benefits their clients, and to continously support the city government’s mandate in empowerming the people and the communities.
Said awarding ceremony happened at New Town Plaza Hotel, in Baguio City, with CSWD Officer Daluping, Social Welfare Officer IV Bella Margarita Manuel, Social Welfare Officer IV Marydhel Lattot and City Special Concerns and Coordinating Officer Glen Wansi, Executive Assistant Henry Gupaal receiving the plaque and certificates.