BAGUIO CITY – City officials authorized the local chief executive representing the local government to enter into a memorandum of agreement (MOA) with the Department of Science and Technology–Cordillera Administrative Region (DOST-CAR) represented by its regional director, Dr. Nancy A. Bantog, and the Office of Civil Defense–Cordillera Administrative Region (OCD-CAR) represented by its regional director, Albert A. Mogol, for the implementation in the city the project deployment of the Technology for Disaster Resilience and Climate Knowledge Innovation (TARAKI) kiosk in the region.
Under Resolution No. 723, series of 2024, the Committee on Laws, Human Rights and Justice, it its 2nd indorsement dated November 26, 2024, recommended approval of the earlier request for authority to enter into a MOA with the DOST-CAR and OCD-CAR for the collaboration to improve disaster preparedness, infrastructure resilience and community safety in the city and the region.
Earlier, the council considered a letter dated November 7, 2024 of the City Mayor requesting authority to enter into a MOA with the DOST-CAR and OCD-CAR for the implementation in the city of the project deployment of the TARAKI kiosk in the city.
DOST-CAR is mandated to provide central direction, leadership and coordination of scientific and technological efforts and ensure that the result is geared and utilized in areas of maximum economic and social benefits for the people in the region. It coordinates, spearheads, and supports the conduct and deployment of research, development and innovations and technology promotion and transfer in the region.
Further, DOST-CAR as the vice chairperson for disaster prevention and mitigation of the Cordillera Region Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (CRDRRMC) leads and provides the needed science, technology and innovation in interventions on disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation and mitigation.
The local government in compliance with Republic Act 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 and RA 9720 or the Climate Change Act of 2009, as amended by RA 10174, adopted a disaster risk reduction and management approach that is holistic, comprehensive, integrated and proactive in lessening the socio-economic and environmental impacts of disasters, including climate change, and promote the involvement and participation of all sectors and all stakeholders concerned at all levels, especially the local communities.
Moreover, the city aims to strengthen and institutionalize efforts on DRRM and climate change adaptation and mitigation by improving its capacities in climate and disaster risk assessment using platforms and through methodologies and tools offered by the mandated government agencies and other partners towards smart, safe, more disaster resilient and sustainable communities.
The OCD-CAR as the chair of the CRDRRMC and in consonance with RA 10121 and RA 9729, as amended by RA 10174, adopts a DRRM that is whole of a society, holistic, comprehensive, integrated and proactive in lessening the socio-economic and environmental impacts of disasters, including climate change and promote the involvement and participation of all sectors and stakeholders. By Dexter A. See