City officials are urging the General Services Office (GSO) to review the life and disposal span of machines, equipment, supplies and materials used in the operations of the various city government offices for purposes of budgeting, procurement and enhancement of delivery of public services.
Under Resolution No. 583, series of 2020, signed by Mayor Benjamin B. Magalong, city legislators stated that having well maintained machineries, equipment and service vehicles, facilitate efficient and effective government action, enhance worker’s performance and boost the dignity of government service from the perception of the transacting public, especially those who frequent the different government offices.
The Council pointed out that in the conduct of the aforesaid study, there is a need to consider the manufacturer’s nullifications in order to be informed of the performance capacity of the machineries, equipment and motor vehicles to be able to work on their immediate replacement before the expiration of their effective life spans, warranty of maintenance and repair, as well as for their proper inventory and disposition through the prescribed processes enshrined under existing laws, rules and regulations.
Further, the Council pointed out that the prompt delivery of city government services to the people depends on the ready availability and efficient use of available resources that support the sustainable implementation of government programs, projects and activities.
According to the Council, procurement of machineries, equipment and motor vehicles are usually done as the need arises or when the same are destroyed, dilapidated or unserviceable, which then affect the performance of government workers in catering to the needs of clients seeking assistance from the various city government offices.
The Council noted that the machineries, equipment and motor vehicles have pre-determined effective life span in which they are to effectively and efficiently function as per specifications and with the proper use, as well as maintenance procedures which must be frequently done on the same.
The Council tasked the GSO that after the required inventory, it shall make the appropriate recommendations as to when the aforesaid machineries, equipment, suppliers and materials are to be disposed of and facilitate the immediate replacement of the same to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of services to the city’s constituency.
City officials want the GSO to immediately roll out the aforesaid request so that it will aid the members of the Council in the ongoing deliberations of the proposed annual budget of the city for the wise utilization of resources for the efficient and effective delivery of basic services.
The GSO is the custodian of all the machineries, equipment, supplies and service vehicles procured by the city government and distributed to the different offices to help in enhancing the delivery of basic services to the increasing number of clients that seek help from the concerned offices that are in charge of providing such services.
By Dexter A. See
Photo by Armando M. Bolislis