The Chikiting Ligtas Campaign is a nationwide vaccination drive set to be conducted for the entire month of May 2023. Also known as the Measles Rubella and Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine Supplemental Immunization Activity (MR-BOPV SIA), this is a national strategy to boost routine immunization among children aged 0-59 months against polio and children aged 9-59 months against measles and rubella.
In support of the national efforts aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality caused by vaccine-preventable diseases and avoiding potential outbreaks from such, the Cordillera office of the Department of Health-Center for Health Development (DOH-CHD-CAR) held an orientation for health workers involved in the National Immunization Program (NIP) from the different provincial/city health offices (PHO/CHO) and the provincial/city DOH offices (PDOHO/CDOHO) in the region.
A highlight of the orientation was the presentation of the participants of their microplans for the rollout of the Chikiting Ligtas Campaign in their respective areas. Venjie Benito and Addisalem Seifu, consultants from the World Health Organization Philippines, provided necessary inputs and guidance to the participants throughout the activity.
The said campaign is the first mass supplemental immunization activity to be conducted since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out. The orientation is part of a series of events DOH-CHD-CAR has planned in preparation for its rollout.