LUNA, Apayao – In conformity with the health department to establish a resilient wellness for all yApayaos, Conner District Hospital (CDH) anticipates the visit of Department of Health (DOH) Undersecretary Dr. Maria Rosario Vergeire on April 4, 2024.
The visit intends to set up and launch the Bagong Urgent Care and Ambulatory Health Sector (BUCAS), a program of the DOH in partnership with provincial government and the municipal government of Conner, which seeks to address health concerns and issues affecting yApayaos.
Located at the former Covid Isolation facility in Calafug, Conner, the center shall offer outpatient consultations, laboratory exams, minor surgery operations, and emergency services.
It can be noted that CDH has been servicing more people than it used to, thus deemed to have an operational medical facility to address health concerns.
During the visit of CDH head Dr. Nelson Rigor to Mayor Jorico Bayaua on April 2, the Mayor conveyed his positive response for the establishment of the health facility. He said the BUCAS’ services will not only benefit patients coming from the municipalities of Apayao but also those from the neighboring provinces like Cagayan, Abra and Kalinga. By PIO Apayao