LA TRINIDAD, Benguet- Teachers of the Eastern La Trinidad National High School (ELTNHS), in Beckel regularly do sitio and home visitations to reach out to learners who are lagging behind.
“Home visitation started in December to reach learners needing support in their distance learning, especially in mathematics and science subjects,” said Alice Sotel, Mathematics teachers at ELTNHS.
Labilab, Lower Backong, Tollebeng of Itogon and Sapsing, Linusud, Balangbang, Upper Backong Beckel Central are some of the sites visited.
Home visitation is a part of the Reach Out Programs of the said school with the objectives for the learners to be coached and encouraged to stay motivated in doing their module and to understand the learners’ situation, which is part of the project “Help Me Hold On” of the school’s School Improvement Plan.
“We are very thankful to the teachers for their extended patience in visiting our children,” a mother from Tollebeng expressed when interviewed. Also, Grade 7 learner from Upper Backong also thanked Mrs. Harlene B. Bacona for explaining solving problems involving equation and inequality in Mathematics.
“Reaching out to our learners this school year of distance learning methodology with no face-to-face classes is enjoyable. I saw and felt my learners’ excitement when they saw us. I also felt glad especially when we succeeded in motivating the learners to go persist in their modular lessons,” said Dusty Pablo, the school’s designated Guidance Counselor.
The said school, headed by Sonia Jovelyn A.Sab-it, is a composed of 24 teachers and four non-teaching staff with at least 530 enrollees. By LUISA ALYAO-LIPAWEN