TINGLAYAN, Kalinga – An 8-year old Grade 2 pupil died after she was allegedly carried away by the strong current of the Chico river when she and her friends went to swim in the said river at Luplupa, here, Tuesday.
Police authorities identified the victim as Jenryl Olimpia Guiwa, 8, grade 2 pupil of Luplupa Elementary School and resident of Poblacion, Tinglayan, Kalinga.
Initial police investigation showed the victim and her companions decided to go to take a bath in the Chico River after having attended classes when she was carried away by the strong water current of the river system.
Concerned rescuers were able to recover the unconscious victim in Barangay Ambato and was subjected to first aid treatment before being brought to the rural health unit.
However, she was declared dead after an hour of being revived by attending physicians inside the rural health unit.
By Dexter A. See