BONTOC, Mountain Province – Supply of brown eggs in Barangay Guina-ang and of the consumers in this municipality will not be a problem in the ensuing months as farmer- beneficiaries have started their brown egg production as a means of livelihood.
Recently, the Bontoc Municipal Local Government Unit (LGU) through the Office of the Municipal Agriculturist (OMAg) turned over free-range chickens to the 60 members of the Aratey Di Inkhawisan Organization. Each member received 30 heads of free-range chicken, one sack grower feeds, one sack layer feeds, and five pieces of egg trays.
According to Assistant Department Head Catherine Agcon of the OMAg, the Brown Egg Production Project of Aratey Di Inkhawisan in Barangay Guina-ang was funded through the Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA).
Bontoc Mayor Franklin C. Odsey thanked the national government through the DA- Cordillera Administrative Region under the leadership of Regional Executive Director Dr. Cameron P. Odsey for its program to improve the living conditions of the local farmers by providing them income-generating opportunities.
He added that the livelihood project received by the farmer-beneficiaries is anchored on his administration’s vision “Bontoc on the Rise” which encompasses the five major programs to include Shared Prosperity through economic empowerment at the grassroots.
Recognizing that the primary source of living in Bontoc is agriculture, Mayor Odsey during the start of his 3rd term in 2019 laid out the plans of the municipal government for the next three years. In his speech, he committed that the local government will work harder in coordination with national line agencies to provide better access to livelihood programs for the people.
The counterpart of the Bontoc LGU through the OMAg is the provision of technical assistance such as preparation and submission of the Project Proposal to the DA- Regional Office; orientation on the proper care and management of free-range chicken; and brown egg production.
The counterpart of the farmer-beneficiaries is the construction of the housing, and management and care of the free-range chickens.
To ensure the sustainability of the project, the Bontoc LGU through the OMAg in collaboration with the Office of the Provincial Veterinarian and the DA- SAAD shall conduct continuous monitoring.
Alpine L. Killa, Bontoc LGU