Years ago, I gave myself a deadline: I will write and publish my first book at the age of 25.
Weeks went by. Months passed. Years rolled away.
As the end of 2013 was approaching, I was awakened by the fact that in three months, I will be turning 26, and I didn’t have a book yet. I can tell that the book I was trying to write will not be completed very soon.
But I looked back and looked around. I realized that in the past three years, I have been writing short articles. There were many of them. I saw a common theme in most of them. And modelling from some well-known authors, I saw how those seemingly ordinary, simple, and short articles can be turned into a book.
Before I turned 26 that year, the dream became a reality. I was able to publish my first book and called it “The Gift of the Ordinary.”
Truly, there are many things in life that are seemingly ordinary and mundane. We often do not appreciate them. But in all those, know that something is happening. Know that God is always working in our lives, not just in the big things but also in the small things. He is with us in our grand milestones and in the daily grind.
Today, see how God is transforming all those ordinary stuff in your life into something extraordinary. Be alert to cooperate with Him. For by the touch of God’s hand, your mundane can become magnificent.
(Chris Dao-anis, CPA, DTM is a leadership trainer, inspirational speaker, recollection master, and author of 4 books including SPEAK: How to Craft and Deliver a Speech or Presentation with Competence & Confidence. Get your copy at the Soledad Religious Store, Porta Vaga Mall, Baguio City. For talks and trainings, email him at Like his page at