Health is wealth. It is a common saying. Yet we only fully understand it when we are already suffering the consequences of neglecting it, when we are sinking in debts due to hospital bills, when we can no longer do the activities we want for our family and work.
Health is wealth. It is so simple. Yet we seem not to understand it in its simplicity, as evidenced by our way of life. We prefer to serve processed foods instead of vegetables already available in our locality. We rather buy goodies from the store for snack than fresh fruits or home baked pastries. We think boiled camote or banana are cheap and so we like the sweetened cakes better.
Health is wealth. It is a warning more than a slogan. Yet we take it lightly and we care less to teach it to our young ones. We wait for them to suffer the same unfortunate illness we have before we do some remedies. We forgot that prevention is better than cure.
Health is wealth since days of old, Health is wealth we are often told Health is wealth but we rather have gold and Health is wealth, too late, I lie cold.
Still, health is wealth but wealth is not health. So from ourselves, we start the chain of change: to our family, our school, our workplaces, our community. Such change may start from looking closely into our lifestyle. Have a list of what activities to stop and what to continue. Take note of the food that need to be avoided and immediately write down an appropriate replacement for it. Set rules for yourself and follow them strictly, in the name of health.
Finally, health is wealth so be healthy and aim for vitality. Then you can bless and be a blessing by simply radiating a life of fitness and happiness. In whatever status and stage in one’s life, health is wealth.
By Janet Coria-en