The whole Christendom will be celebrating Easter Sunday with much hope pinned on what will be the future of this world due to the deteriorating values of the people. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead illustrates that there is eternal life with the Almighty Father once those who depart from this world join the one and only Creator. AS we go on with the journey of life, we always hope for the best that will happen once we reach our destination despite the obstacles that confront us on our way to success.
The Lenten season has taught us three important virtues that we must possess for us to be able to succeed in our respective journeys in life. AS a Christian community, we were taught to embrace the Almighty Father because he knows to direct us where we should be going. Prayer is our potent weapon for us to overcome the temptations that confront us in our daily lives. WE pray because we want to seek forgiveness for the wrongdoings we have done to others, to seek guidance on what do to with the pressing problems that confront us, to seek guidance among others that we need prayers.
People were also taught the virtue of sacrifice because by giving in, the Almighty Father rewards us through his desired means that are unknowing to mankind. Sacrifice involves a lot of thinking and painful decision-making but in the end, the outcome of such sacrifice that we might have made in life becomes rewarding not only for an individual but also for the members of his or her family and even the whole community where he belongs.
Charity is also a very important virtue that must be possessed by the people. Everyone must be willing to share what he or she has to help those who are in need. However, we still adhere to the advises of our elders that charity always starts at home. If one is considered to be charitable at home, then he will be able to possess compassion where he will be able to give importance to the needs of those who are really in need of utmost assistance. As the usual saying goes, ‘it is better to give than to receive.’ On the other hand, people nowadays have become too centric that such saying has become ‘it is better to receive and receive rather than to give.’
With the rapid advancement off the state of technology in the global village, such virtues have virtually deteriorated because people now succumbed to the evils of social media that when not appropriately managed, the bright future of the present and future generations of Filipinos will be compromised. We still hope that even with the advancement of technology, we will be able to save a larger population of the youth into embracing the appropriate virtues that will guide them through their daily lives. Let us not allow the hope of the fatherland to become the problems of our country in the future, thus, parents and guardians must closely watch the growth of their children so that they will not be extremely exposed to the evils of social media. While it is true that communication is now faster, the free use of the worldwide web somewhat made a paradigm shift the proven traditional ways of living are slowly deteriorating.
We remain optimistic that we will be in better hands even with the onset of technological advancement. People just have to be equipped with the right virtues and values in life and for them to be able to contaminate others in their homes, neighborhood and their community, thus, something big can happen in the future.
Our country needs leaders with the right virtues and values. We do not need people who are great pretenders because we will be the ones to suffer the mistakes brought about by the single stroke of our shading pens. In this evil dominated society, many are called but few possess the right virtues to resist temptations that confront them on their way to success. Individual and collectively, we can make a difference but let us not aim for what is big. Let us start in ourselves and move on towards our peers and the community we live in and right there and then, we will be able to see the difference on what we mean by being equipped with the right virtues.
We should not be suffering from serious problems if we simply know how to give in of others. We must try to make the supreme sacrifice without compromising our own principles in life.
We will surely live in a better place within the global village for the betterment t of the human rays if we set our sights into one direction and hope for the best coupled with concrete actions from the people. Success cannot be achieved without hard work, wise decision-making and sound management. Let us therefore enjoy the celebration of Easter Sunday, the day when Christ rose from the dead, and try to emulate his simple ways of living because everything goes back to simplicity.