Local government units (LGUs) headed by local leaders in the country will have full accountability, competence, professionalism, and transparency in the development of institutional systems that uphold good governance and strengthen their capabilities of managing public resources through full devolution in 2024.
Executive Order 138 of former President Rodrigo Duterte recognized the full devolution of certain functions of the executive branch to local governments, the creation of a devolution committee, and other purposes while considering the prospective character of the Mandanas ruling and in keeping with Section 284 of Republic Act (RA) 7160 or the Local Government Code (LGC).
RA7160 establishes the system and defines the powers of provincial, city, municipal, and barangay governments in the Philippines. It provides for a more responsive local government structure instituted through a system of decentralization whereby the LGUs are delegated more powers, authority, responsibilities, and resources.
The LGC identifies agriculture as the first sector of the national government to be devolved. In the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), the Department of Agriculture continues to support the important role of the LGUs in implementing agricultural programs and projects within their area of responsibility, aligning activities with the national government’s policy on agriculture.
The LGC now places the management and administration of agriculture programs and projects to the local government units through the offices of their barangay, municipal, and provincial agriculture, such as in the case of CAR.
Aside from agriculture, environmental protection, health maintenance of public works and highways, social welfare, and tourism have also been devolved to the LGUs.
In the case of agriculture, LGUs are mandated to lead in the implementation of agricultural programs including the provision of support services, personnel, and financial assistance. RA.7160 identifies Agriculture issues and concerns under the LGUs with the Department of Agriculture providing support.
The devolution of agricultural extension to LGUs as espoused by the LGC is an important shift in Philippine agriculture policy as it moved the agricultural extension services even closer to the farmers. By JTLlanes