MANKAYAN – The district of Mankayan conducts the first Start of School Year (SOSY) Teachers’ Conference at the covered court of Mankayan National High School on May 31.
Glenn N. Duguis, administrative officer of the Department of Education (DepEd) district, reiterated administrative discipline, particularly the code of conduct. Duguis reminded DepEd personnel to exhibit knowledge, skill and conduct of a professional at all times. Moreover, he lectured on Equivalence Record Form (ERF) and Salary Step Increment.
Meanwhile, Samuel S. Ayangdan, Education Program Supervisor (EPS) for Technology and Livelihood Education, provided updates and reminders on TLE while Rizalyn A. Guznian, Chief Education Supervisor for Curriculum Implementation Division, ended her part on Key Result Areas and Function by challenging teachers to be versatile because according to Alvin Toffler, “Those illiterates of today are those not ready to learn, unlearn and relearn”.
On the other hand, Lucio L. Alawas, Chief Education Supervisor of School Governance and Operations Division reviewed concerns on physical facilities, youth formation, sports program, human resource development, disaster risk reduction management, social mobilization and networking, monitoring and evaluation, school health and nutrition, research and planning. Further, he discussed ways to improve access and quality and governance.
Marie Carolyn B. Verano concluded SOSY 2019 by addressing queries and clarifying issues of DepEd personnel. She left saying, “Learning has to be fun and teaching has to be cool”.
By Jardson S. Onio