My friend, how is it that you came in here without a wedding garment?
This parable reminds me literally of the event we attended, It was specified multiple times that the dress code of attendees is for strict compliance but due to our highland mentality “mabalin amin”. One of our companions was not allowed to enter due to his unprescribed shoes.
We made a remedy, he used my shoes and I went out to buy the prescribed shoes.
In life, it is a reality that in every goal we want to achieve there are underlying protocols for us to comply.
This principle applied to all:
A student to become a successful professional must undergo of burning candles and studying. No shortcuts!
As to my experience as a newbie sales agent of real property, to become a qualified and competitive sales agent I have to undergo a series of training and seminars- no shortcuts!
The same principles apply to our ultimate goal of entering Heaven! Jesus clearly elaborated in parables: We must come ready totally compliant to every detail of the occasion.
The invitation is for all! Jesus wants us to be with Him in His Father’s House. But we need to comply with the Prerequisites which He simplified & summarized: “You shall love the Lord your God with your Heart and with your Soul, with all your Strengths and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself.”
Remember when we are already at the doorstep of heaven if your unready your companion cannot go out and buy for you the prescribed shoes, thus, early as now, let us do the prescribe attitude- to love and love and love our God & fellowmen.