BONTOC, Mountain Province – The Mountain Province State Polytechnic College (MPSPC) – Office of Student Affairs (OSA) offers consistent excellent customer services. At least, this is what the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001: 2015 certification specifically on Quality Management Systems (QMS) say, which the college received in a simple ceremony at the Audio Visual Room on December 29, 2018.
The certification focuses on the demonstration of an institution’s ability to provide products compliant with customer requirements and applicable statutory requirements. It also specifies the requirements for an effective QMS. In addition, organizations find that using the standard helps them; organize a quality QMS, create satisfied customers, management, and employees, continually improve their processes, save costs.
“We saw that we have weaknesses, we saw that we have strengths and we also saw that we have opportunities. I can say that we overcome some of our weaknesses and we made a turnaround about these things. We saw gaps in our systems, and we filled up these gaps. We also saw opportunities and we took advantage of these opportunities. This afternoon, I would like to express my gratitude to those who worked hard for this certification and those who gave much of their time as we all know that we do not have enough time but they gave the best of their time. And also, I would like to thank other units of the college who gave their contributions in terms of skills. Let us continue to bring quality and excellence in our services. This is just the beginning. We have started this trailblazing effort. To make our college an institution we can be proud of, we have to undergo these systems or these processes. Let us actualize our quality policy,” said College President Rexton F. Chakas during the ISO awarding ceremonies.
The first phase of the ISO certification process that started in August brought many changes and challenges within the College. It started from the review of the systems and procedures including quality policies and synchronization of the forms, flowcharts and control numbers of each unit.
During the second phase, the College identified the JBDC Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Consultancy as the agency to provide consultation services and facilitated trainings among the personnel of the College on the ISO policies. Some of the activities conducted by the consultants were on QMS Awareness Training, ISO Technical Writing, 7S Good Housekeeping Training and Risk Management Training, Internal Quality Audit Training.
Mr. Allan K. Tabec, the Executive Director for Student Affairs and QMR said the weight of tasks in this ambitious undertaking fell on his sector but with the support of the administration and all employees, thus, all the challenges could be surmountable. “In my initial estimate, we were able to spend a good amount for the purchase of supplies, materials and other facilities for this. We should not give a firm grip on our finances if we know we are doing this to bring about quality and excellent services for our clients, he added.
According to ACS W3 Solutions, the certifying body, “MPSPC is compliant enough with all the requirements necessary as recorded in their reports.” This clearly indicates the consistency of the College in complying with requirements, which can be seen in its series of accreditation and evaluation conducted by different oversight agencies like AACCUP and RQUAT.
As always, the College President was quick to thank everyone who worked hard for the certification especially OSA Executive Director Allan K. Tabec, SSDO Dean Joni Pagandiyan, Documents Control Custodian Caroline Dale A. Castaneda, the Internal Audit Team, the 7s Patrol Committee, the GASS sector and all other unit directors together with their respective teams for their sustained efforts in bringing this honor and prestige upon the college.