LA TRINIDAD, Benguet – The administration of the State-run Benguet State University (BSU) announced the new course offerings for the coming schoolyear in order to attract the influx of more enrolees that would translate to a bigger population in the region’s premier university.
In 2014, BSU started offering the initial two major programs with Bachelor of Science in Public Administration and Diploma in Physical Education and Bachelor of Arts in Language and Literature which was only offered this schoolyear.
With respect to the courses which recorded the most number of enrolees, Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education and Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education topped the list amongst the many courses offered at the university.
The university’s enrolees range from students coming from La Trinidad, Benguet and other neighboring municipalities like Tublay, Sablan and Itogon.
Foreign students from South Korea, East Timor, Thailand and Nigeria also contributed a fair percentage to the university’s total enrollees. According to Dr. Percyveranda A. Lubrica, the university’s VP for Academics, the most popular courses taken by the foreign students are education, ESL, administration supervision, forestry and environmental science.
Furthermore, Dr. Lubrica stated that enrolment for summer 2015 as well as for schoolyear 2015-2016 is already on-going. The university’s summer term will start on July while the schoolyear 2015-2016’s first semester will start on August 10.
Although the number of students decreased on the second semester of the schoolyear 2014-2015, they are expecting to have an increase this coming academic year because of the fresh high school graduates from the different private and public secondary institutions not only in the Cordillera but also in other parts of Northern Luzon.
As for their preparations and readiness for the K-12 program, the administrators assured that their employees have already undergone trainings and that they are prepared for 2016 and 2017. As what Dr. Lubrica affirmed, the libraries are updated every year for better reference of the students. By BLESS SUBILLA