Per PIA-CAR, as of 6:15 AM today, the following LGUs have suspended classes in both private and public schools Friday, July 28, 2017, due to inclement weather:
Pre-school to elementary:
*Baguio City
*Madaymen Elementary School, kibungan
Pre-school to high school:
La Union:
San Fernando City (pre-school to senior high school)
Pangasinan (via Province of Pangasinan facebook page)
As of 7:45 AM July 28, 2017
Bolinao (pre school to high school)
Alaminos City (pre-school to high school)
Calasiao (elementary to high school)
Mangatarem (Pre-School to Elementary)
Bani (all levels)
Dasol (all levels)
Mangaldan (Pre-School to Elementary)
Bugallon (all levels)
Bayambang (pre-school to elementary)
Bautista (pre-school to elementary)
Lingayen (pre-school to high school)
Dagupan (elementary to high school)
Mabini (all levels)
Agno (all levels)
Infanta (all levels)
Alcala (all levels)
Anda (all levels)
Aguilar (all levels)
Labrador (all levels)