BONTOC, Mountain Province – In the ensuing months, an organization of person with disabilities (PWDs) in Bontoc will be selling wheelchairs and accessories, and will be offering repair services.
This, following the awarding of check amounting to P478,868 by the Department of Labor and Employment–Mountain Province Field Office (DOLE-MPFO) represented by Provincial Director Apollo Luspian to the Bontoc municipal government represented by Mayor Franklin Odsey on October 13, 2020, at the Mayor’s Office, Bontoc Municipal Capitol.
The municipal government, through the Public Employment and Services Office, initiated and facilitated the preparation and submission of a project proposal to the DOLE entitled “Wheelchairs and Accessories Trading and Repair Services” of Layad Organization, a group composing 27 PWDs in Bontoc.
DOLE Provincial Director Apollo Luspian said that the livelihood assistance provided to the recipient is lodged under the DOLE Integrated Livelihood Emergency Employment Program which seeks to contribute to poverty reduction and reduce the vulnerability to risks of the working poor, vulnerable, and marginalized workers, either through emergency employment, and promotion of entrepreneurship and community enterprises. It is implemented through DOLE’s Accredited Co-Partners (ACP) which is responsible for the delivery of services to the beneficiaries.
Thus, the municipal government, as an ACP of DOLE, received the financial grant allotted to the Layad Organization and shall be responsible for the procurement and delivery of the wheelchairs, accessories, and repair equipment and materials needed by the organization for its livelihood project.
Mayor Odsey who personally received the financial grant for Layad Organization expressed his gratitude to the DOLE for continuously assisting various organizations in Bontoc to include those in the vulnerable sector and capacitating them to generate income and augment the financial constraints of the member-beneficiaries.
With this, the mayor challenged the recipient-organization to manage their livelihood project wisely for it to prosper.
Mountain Province Congressman Maximo Dalog, Jr., who was invited to witness the awarding of the check, congratulated the Layad Organization for the approval of their project proposal. He added that the failure and success of their livelihood depend on the members, thus, he advised them to work together for it to be sustained.
In response, Layad Organization President Sylvia Falag-ey expressed the profound gratitude of their organization to the DOLE, the municipal government, and the Office of the Congressman–Mountain Province for the realization of the livelihood assistance.
She remarked that it is the first time for their organization to receive a livelihood grant from the government. She added that they have chosen the project, “Wheelchairs and Accessories Trading and Repair Services” as there are no suppliers in Mountain Province of said equipment and materials.
Thus, their organization envisions to supply the PWDs in Mountain Province in need of wheelchairs and accessories and offer repair services.
To ensure sustainability of the project, the DOLE –MPFO has partnered with the Mountain Province State Polytechnic College (MPSPC) for the members of Layad Organization to undergo Entrepreneurial Management Training.
Labor and Employment Officer Jenelyn Caluza mentioned that as its counterpart, the Bontoc LGU has earmarked from its budget an amount for the conduct of the training and shall conduct monitoring on the implementation of the project. By Alpine L. Killa