TABUK CITY, There was a significant decline in the number of vehicular traffic accidents on the roads of Tabuk with 90 incidents recorded in 2021 compared to 145 incidents in 2020, the data of the Tabuk City Police Station showed.
Of the 90 incidents, 23 led to death, 48 caused minor physical injuries, 16 resulted to serious physical injuries, and three caused damage to property.
In 23 percent of the accidents, alcohol was involved, and more than 50 percent happened between five and eleven-o-clock in the evening along the length of the road from Bulanao to Dagupan.
Data showed that the accidents victimized a total of 128 people, most of which were young people: 37 belonged to the 21-30 years old age group, 31 were 11-20 years old, and 30 were in the 31-40 years old age group.
In terms of vehicle type, most of the accidents involved the following: motorcycle-private vehicle -34, motorcycle -15, motorcycle-motorcycle -11.
Human error was still the leading cause of accidents with inattentiveness topping the list of mistakes that drivers made that led to crashes, accounting for 36 percent of total incidents. This is followed by bad turning 35 percent and going too fast 18 percent.
In terms of collision type, 35 percent of the incidents were sideswipes, 15 percent were pedestrian collisions, 12 percent were right angle collisions, and 7 percent were head-on collisions.