Manila, Philippines – The Security Bank has donated three negative pressure ambulances worth P11.4 million to the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) in an effort to help the country’s battle against COVID-19. The ambulances will help transport suspected COVID-19 patients from their homes to COVID-19 healthcare facilities.
“We are very thankful to the Philippine Red Cross for this opportunity to let us continue helping our country in this intense time of need. We are optimistic that the three new negative pressure ambulances will help in our national efforts in the fight against the spread of COVID-19,” says SBC President & CEO, Sanjiv Vohra.
Negative pressure ambulances serve high-risk patients to protect patients and paramedics from cross contaminating one another. To reduce the risk of cross-infection, the vehicles are equipped with tools to lower air pressure and disinfect and filter the air.
Since 2015, Security Bank Foundation, Inc. (SBFI), Security Bank’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) arm, has made a commitment to donate ambulances to the PRC every year. As of 2019, SBFI already donated a total of five (5) brand new and fully equipped ambulances.
These lifesaving vehicles have served over 1800 patients, 700 of which were involved in road crash accidents and highly critical medical emergencies. Two of these ambulances are also stationed in M/V Amazing Grace, the country’s first and only disaster equipped vessel.
The Philippine Red Cross continues to accept donations to help in responding against the COVID-19 pandemic. Those interested may deposit their donations through PRC’s Security Bank account numbers, PESO Savings: 0132-0624-6400-3, DOLLAR Savings: 0132-0624-6400-4 and send a copy of your deposit slip to
Press release