LA TRINIDAD, Benguet-The Schools Governance and Operations Division (SGOD), through Planning and Research Unit, conducted a series of Basic and Action Research Writeshop through Telecommunications to Benguet school heads and teachers on Jun. 24-25 (Batch 1) and July 1-2 (Batch 2).
Pursuant to Division Memorandum No. 125 s. 2020, the series of webinars addresses the challenges in the new normal education for the improvement of delivery and instruction through the Division Learning Continuity Plan (LCP). Likewise, this seeks to render technical assistance to educators in response to the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers as indicated in the Results-based Performance Management System.
Lucio B. Alawas, Chief of SGOD encouraged the participants to implement researches to develop culture of research in the province. On the other hand, Xylene D. Kinomis, Senior Education Program Specialist in the Planning and Research Unit oriented the participants and discussed the DepEd Basic Education Research Agenda (BERA) and preliminary parts of research.
Moreover, Karen Bosaing and Decenia Cabacab presented model studies for basic and action research respectively. Meanwhile, Rachel Basalong and Rose Pecay gave lectures on qualitative and quantitative research methods correspondingly.
The first batch consisted of educators from Kapangan, Kabayan, Kibungan, Itogon, Buguias and Tuba while Mankayan, La Trinidad, Tublay, Sablan, Atok, Bakun and Bokod educators participated during the second batch.
Reportedly, School Division Office (SDO) Personnel and District Research Coordinators had earlier research webinar in April as announced in the Division Memorandum No. 80 s. 2020.
Accordingly, participants will work exclusively with the facilitators in the completion of their proposals. Further, online conference will conclude the series of webinars to recommend studies for approval and conduct.
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