If only I could capture all their words, emotions, and stories, I would. But I couldn’t. Allow me to simply share with you a glimpse of some of those.
In the recent trainings I have been conducting, I have met different individuals with different stories. One may call these stories as stories of transformation. I simply call them sweet stories – of better lives, with renewed hope and empowered dreams.
One of them, let’s call him Daniel, shared that before the training, it was as if his life is just going round and round like a tread mill. Now, he reconnected with his dreams and have clearer goals. He now has a direction.
Another, let’s call him Arnold, demonstrated his dedication and commitment to the training. Even if he has difficulty with the English language and in some of the lessons, he persevered in understanding them, asking questions and sharing his ideas.
Mandy, also from the group, encouraged her fellow trainees and told them that they are now different persons compared to who they were before the training.
Two trainees, who were before doing drugs, showed their dedication in the training and verbalized that they are not their past anymore and that they are now ready to move forward to the future.
Candy also shared how negative she was in the past; today, she is more positive.
Anda, a sister-Moslem, conveyed how broke she was because of what happened in Marawi (where she came from). She also shared how she had been going to different establishments to apply for work only to be rejected (unsure if it were because she is overqualified or because of her origin or religion). During the training, she exemplified good character and positive attitude. She actively participated in the training. Today, she is one of the encouragers and leaders of her co-trainees.
John and Leah were at first hesitant to lead and share what they have. After the first two to three days of the training, they demonstrated leadership abilities – helping their co-trainees, organizing the class to form their presentation, and leading the class to more harmonious and meaningful activities.
There are still more of them. More whose stories may not have been captured but whose smiles and words of gratitude remained painted in my heart and will be treasured.
These sweet stories are really sweet to hear. If only we can zoom in their lives more, we would. But perhaps, we don’t have to. What’s more important is that we are reminded that regardless of where we were, where we came from, we have the power to change the course of our lives to something better and brighter.
We can scribble sweet stories… if we choose to.
(Chris Dao-anis, CPA, DTM is trainer and speaker on communication and personal leadership. His latest book titled ‘Living Large in the Little Things’ is available at Mt. Cloud Bookshop, Casa Vallejo, Upper Session Road, Baguio City. For talks and trainings, email him at chrisdaoanis@gmail.com or visit his website at www.chrispoweracademy.com.)