TABUK CITY – The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration-Cordillera Administrative Region (OWWA-CAR) named Public Employment Services Office (PESO) manager Loyda Saboy as the Outstanding Migrant Desk Officer (city/municipal level) during the celebration of Migrant Workers’ Day 2017 at the Baguio Convention Center, June 10.
Another awardee was Fredelina Biato of Abra for the provincial LGU category.
Also awarded as outstanding migrant desk officers were Elizabeth Bruno of Lagangilang, Abra; Clifford Jamoyo of Pudtol, Apayao; Rommel Del-isen of Mankayan, Benguet; Reynaldo Nalliw of Lamut, Ifugao; and Renan Jake Oyang-o of Bauko, Moutain Province.
Other nominees for the outstanding migrant desk officers were also given certificate of recognition and cash prizes as well.
OWWA Regional Director Evelyn Laranang, assisted by Emerito Narag and Hans Leo Cacdac of DOLE spearheaded the giving of plaque of recognition and cash prizes to the awardees.
The search and award program aims to recognize the interminable contributions and the dynamic partnership of the local government units in the facilitation in the delivery of programs and services to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs).
Recipients of the plaque of recognition were selected from LGU nominees who were designated or appointed migrant desk officer by the local chief executive, and must have a Memorandum of Agreement with the municipality or province to establish migrant desk.
The outstanding migrant desk officer were evaluated based on the following criteria: active participation to OWWA trainings and seminar (25%); active dissemination of OWWA programs and services (25%); and list of accomplishments such as social benefits, education and training assistance, community organizing, reintegration of services and welfare assistance (50%).
By Darwin S. Serion