Every day, we receive feedback – formally and informally. They can be destructive or beneficial. They can be harmful or fruitful. I am thankful that people around me are so kind. They have been giving me fruitful feedbacks that helped me push forward in my journey in life.
I remember Fr. Elpidio Silug, our parish priest when I was leading the youth group in our school. Every time he sees something that is done well, he would say, “Very good!” When he asks you a question and you respond and say something commendable, he would say, “Very good!” When he heard that I was the first honor in my class, he said, “Very good!” He is otherwise known as Father Very Good! His words were like fuel that kept the fire burning in my heart to keep on doing what I was doing – and even level it up for the better.
I also remember Fr. Rolly Buyagan, our parish priest when I was in high school. I had a lot of conversations with him. One of those was when he handed me the letter from the seminary congratulating me that I passed their entrance examination. I was happy of that news but I stepped into his office to tell him that I won’t be entering the seminary. He listened to my explanation and replied, “Alright”. (He was previously known as Father Alright!) After that, he gave me his feedback. I don’t remember his exact words but it came across as this, “You are a good student. Keep pursuing your dreams. Even if you will not pursue priesthood, He will be with you. May God guide you whichever path you want to pursue.”
Let me give you another name: Darrel Joe Asuncion, my auditing instructor in college. I was performing well in other accounting subjects except in his class. My performance in auditing was just okay. But our first encounter was when I was asking for admission in the College of Accountancy, shifting from my previous course (which I liked) AB Political Science. As the designated admission officer then, he looked thoroughly over my grade slip from the previous term. After a few seconds, he suddenly wore a smile on his face and said, “Tama lang na nandito ka. Magaling ka!” (It’s just right that you are here. You are intelligent!) While my previous course is challenging, this course is also perplexing in its own unique way. Simply looking at the several subjects and the passing rate of the CPA Board Examination makes you feel intensely challenged. But thanks for his initial feedback, the affirmation he gave. I enrolled in BS Accountancy and got excited in my new journey.
One last name in this article: Candido Perez, my first accounting instructor. Some didn’t like his method but I am thankful of him because from his method, I was trained to read several chapters of my accounting book and be ready in class the next day. One of the things, I can’t forget was when he said, “Chris, here’s your grade for Fundamentals of Accounting. You did great! I can see a potential in you. You have a great potential. I’m not saying ‘excellent’ but you have that potential.” Wow! After hearing those words, I felt so empowered. I exerted more effort in my studies. So I continued my schooling with more drive. I moved forward, graduated on time, and became a Certified Public Accountant.
There were other priests and professors who have helped me in the process. They taught me, guided me and challenged me to achieve my goals. They gave specific and positive feedback. They are numerous to share in this page. But one thing is for sure, they all gave fruitful feedback that nourished my young mind and inspired my young heart to reach my aspirations.
Feedback is precious – provided it is a feedback that is aimed to give results. These are what I call fruitful feedbacks. I am thankful for those. I am thankful for those people who gave me and continue to give me those fruitful feedbacks.
In one of my seminars, I unpack how to give a fruitful feedback. I can’t share it with you today. But here’s my question for you: Are you receiving fruitful feedbacks? And are you giving fruitful feedbacks?
(Chris Dao-anis aims to empower his fellow young minds with practical instruction and inspiration in the fields of communication and personal leadership. He authored three books to date: The Gift of the Ordinary, 7 Keys to Achieve Your Aspirations, and the soon-to-be-launched Living Large in the Little Things. For talks, seminars and speech coaching, email him at chrisdaoanis@gmail.com. You can order his latest book at a specially discounted price at www.chrispoweracademy.com/livinglarge. You are also invited to the FREE Living Large Seminar & Book Launch on Sep 10. Register today at www.chrispoweracademy.com/lls.)