For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abides faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13: 12-13) Love suffers long, and is kind. (1 Cor. 13: 4)
One of the most famous and beautiful bridges in the world is the Golden Gate Bridge at San Francisco. Its towers are so tall they’re sometimes hidden in fog.
(Some years ago I composed this meditation, and read it in a worship service along with an offertory prayer.)
Offertory Meditation and Prayer
Imagine, for a moment, yourself in a car, having traveled all day
in rainy weather. You are very tired.
Now you are approaching a long bridge, like the Golden Gate, only miles and miles long,
with its suspension towers so high they are shrouded in fog.
As you start to get on the bridge, you begin to wonder, Where do I pay the toll?
Then as you move slowly across the bridge, you see that the fog
is really a storm cloud that you are going through,
and you can hear the waters of the bay below, roiling and tearing about,
and it is raining furiously, like a monsoon or typhoon over Luzon.
And through it all you can hear the beep, beep of a foghorn
from a light house not far away.
You thank God that you aren’t lost in some little ferry boat, down below.
Slowly you approach the end of the bridge,
and you discover what looks like a toll booth, with a smiling man in it.
Then you see that the light above it is green,
and the man is waving you through.
Then you realize that you don’t have to pay to cross the bridge at all,
and you wonder, Has someone else paid my toll?
The man says, Some Stranger paid for everyone,
and invites you all to join him for a round-the-clock party in Redeemer Church
on Beacon Hill, near the end of the bridge!
He waves you on.
There is a place at the booth, however,
for you to drop whatever donations you’d like to give,
and you do want to give,
because you’re grateful for the Stranger,
and the Bridge,
and you want to see it standing forever,
along with the old light house not far away.
Father, thank you for not leaving us to fight the storms of life
crossing the Channel in frail little boats by ourselves.
No, you sent Jesus to be the bridge to safety and to real life,
paying our toll, dying to forgive our sins, suffering so long, so kind!
Then rising to new life, bringing us to God, waving us on.
Thank you, Jesus, for being that inexpressibly expensive gift!
Thank you for Life which we can experience now, but which will not end.
Holy Spirit, sanctify us and use our lives as tokens of gratitude,
use us all as salt and light where we live, and bridges for others.
Father of mercies, teach us so to be merciful,
teach us how to love.
“Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen”. –Book of Common Prayer