TUBA, Benguet – Mayor Florencio Bentres said housing and real estate developers are welcome to put up housing projects in the municipality pursuant to standards, provided, they will not disturb the owners of their neighboring properties among others.
Bentres was one of the guests of honor and the speaker during the 34th Induction of Officers and Members of the Chamber of Real Estate and Builders Association – Baguio-Benguet Chapter (CREBA-BBC) held Friday at the Fortune Hongkong Seafood Restaurant located along Otek Street, Baguio City.
Bentres recognized the expected contributions of the influx of development to the locality, especially with the mushrooming of housing projects in the area following congestion issues in the nearby city of Baguio.
“We appeal to our housing developers to at least sacrifice a little bit by trying to lower their margin of profit so that we will be able to attract more people to develop and improve their houses in the municipality,” Bentres said.
According to him, Tuba has sufficient land area open to interested housing developers but they must make sure that they will not disturb the owners of properties which are already in place in the areas where they intend to do their development works.
The local chief executive explained housing is one of the important basic needs of people in order to live a decent life; thus, the municipal government would extend utmost assistance to interested housing developers wanting to put up their structures in the different parts of the town.
One of the common problems of the Baguio-La Trinidad-Itogon-Sablan-Tuba-Tublay (BLISTT) which have been commonly discussed by local chief executives is housing and that the Benguet towns of La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba and Tublay are the expansion areas for housing considering the availability of lands that could be still developed for potential units to be used by middle income and socialized housing beneficiaries.
Bentres claimed the influx of housing developers to the different parts of the town will surely help in the generation of jobs for qualified local residents, economic activities and sources of livelihood for the people in the area which would translate to increased income for the local government.
“It is important for interested developers to give due respect to those owners of properties who are already in place in the areas where they intend to develop their housing projects. Housing Developers are welcome to invest in our municipality but they should not be the cause of land disputes and conflicts in our locality,” Bentres said.
He said developers must be able to perfect their documents over the properties that they bought in the area prior to the introduction of development works to pave the way for the construction of housing units to be sold to interested buyers.
He challenged developers to practice good real estate transactions so that the local government will be spared from whatever disputes that may happen in the future, especially in the ownership of the lots and the units that will be sold to interested buyers wanting to own their homes in Baguio City and its environs.