These are three big questions in life: What do we aspire to be? What do we long to do? And what do we need to have (to be able to do what we long to do)?
In the previous two Sundays, we answered the first two questions. Today, we are going to answer the third question: What do we need to have?
I have three answers: We need to have a platform. We need to have persuasion. And we need to have purpose.
First, we need to have a platform. If we say that it is in our nature to create, we need to have a platform where we can display what we create. We need a stage to showcase our craft. Otherwise, that thing we created will be useless and we will not be able to contribute to the world.
The platform or stage could be a literal platform if you are a performer, a speaker, or a dancer. Platform can also be in forms of media for writers, broadcasters or journalists. It can also be anything that allows you to serve an audience, a group of customers or clients, a community.
It is in this platform where the element of confidence is necessary. Regardless of how grand a platform is, if confidence is not there, it will be useless. Hence, you and I need to develop confidence. We already have it in our core but it may have been shattered by some external factors. It is for this reason that we need to unleash that confidence once again.
Second, we need to have persuasion. We are leaders. If we long to contribute, we have no choice but to become leaders. By now, you know that leadership is not dependent on position. As John Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence.”
If we want to further our message or contribution, we need to further our influence. Here comes the need for persuasion. You cannot influence if you cannot persuade. And I’m not speaking about those tactics that old salespeople use. No. I am referring to the essential communication skills that are necessary to relationship building, to influencing, to leading.
Third, we need to have purpose. Our journey to create, connect and contribute will become – at a certain point – be daunting. In our effort of developing our confidence and communication skills, there will be times that we might give up because it can get difficult. We will not persevere to do these things if we do not have the sense of purpose. Purpose is the key.
This is the reason why we need to look into our core to be able to command our career. And our career should be carefully selected. It has to be aligned with our core. When we do so, we will be able to maximize our impact while having that sense of meaning, of purpose. When we do so, we aim to live a life of success and significance.
That sounds so grand. Big words! Yes, they are. But they can be started in our own small ways. It is possible to have that sense of success and significance even if you have not achieved that gigantic goal that you have in your vision. You just need to connect to your core and review a bit of the basics. Basics that were forgotten.
Today, make that drive to have that platform, persuasion and purpose.
I will be discussing these further and tackle more essential life questions at the C3 Workshop: Command Your Career Confidently. Join us and let us Unlock the 10 Powers to Command Your Career (and Life) Confidently on August 6 here in Baguio City. It will be a one-day intensive and interactive workshop that you must attend. If you are a college student, aspiring professional or young professional, check the details at You may also email or contact 0948-114-2013.