The last two months of the year may be the most joyous months for all employees as they are excited to receive year-end bonuses. For government employees, aside from the year-end bonuses, 13th and 14th month pays, an additional is the performance bonus.
DepEd Order. 53, s.2017 provides the guidelines on the grant of performance-based bonus for the Department of Education employees and officials for the fiscal year 2016. For the school level the indicators include Office Performance Commitment and Review Form (OPCRF) overall score (80 points) and percent liquidation of school MOOE (20 points). The criteria for teacher’s Individual Professional Commitment and Review Form includes teaching-learning process, student performance outcomes (students’ grades included), community involvement and professional growth and development.
In my more than ten years of teaching, I observed that performance-based bonus may not actually be a reward of performance but rather a source of frustration sometimes. As teachers, we are committed to performing our work with or without performance bonus. There are just these instances when we are more frustrated rather than encouraged or fulfilled. We know we have done more than enough or almost the same efforts with other teachers but they receive more or less amount of the said bonus.
But, what’s more rewarding than performance-based bonuses?
There are students who struggle in class in a particular subject. However, this should not be the basis of the performance of the teacher. These students may have low grades in a particular grade level but this does not mean they will not be successful in the future. The failing grades or dropping out from school are not the end.
As a Science teacher in a regular heterogeneous class, I observed that students have a difficulty in the subject and it would be unrealistic that their grades will all be 85% and above. But their grades affect my score in the IPCRF which will determine the school’s performance. Nevertheless, the students must still receive the grades they are due.
I’m consoled and fulfilled that in spite of those low grades, the students in their later life are successful. There is this student who had 75% in all grading periods in my Chemistry class, but he is now working in a developed country in Europe. Many students did not perform so much in my subject but became good nurses, doctors, marines, military personnel, and many others.
The point is, no matter what the student’s grade is, as long as they exert their effort, surely success will be with them. On my part as the teacher, I may not have computed the best of grades in their favor, but as long as they did not stop learning until they reached their goals, that would be what my heart treasures.
The aim of education is not only for the knowledge and skills that are given numerical ratings, but also the values that students acquire that will further determine their success in life. My performance may not be that outstanding according to certain standards, but I know I fulfilled my mission as a teacher for the young minds.
I may not attain the highest amount of annual performance bonus, but as long as I see my students succeed in life, that would be a lifetime bonus.
By Janet S. Cabael