A question we often ask, “Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life? Why am I given this gift of life?”
I cannot tell you the purpose of your life. But maybe, we can find hints to the purpose of life by looking at what you have and what you can do.
First, you can breathe! Maybe, it means that you are meant to live. So be alive. Be present! Live your life! Stop merely surviving and start living! And do what makes you feel alive.
Second, you have a heart. Maybe, it means that you are meant to love. That’s it! Love. Serve. Give your all! Lay your life in service to your family, your friends, your clients, your customers, your community. And do what you love to do.
Third, you have a mind. Maybe, it means that you are meant to think of particular ways to live fully and love openly. You are given a general instruction, to live and love. As to the specifics, it’s up to you! You are gifted with a powerful mind! Think! And do what you are best at.
Fourth, you have a body. Isn’t that giving you answers already? Maybe, it means that you are meant to act on those thoughts and ideas that you have. You are meant to transform your thoughts into actions! You are meant to act! You are to do them.
Fifth, you have a conscience. Maybe, it means that you are to listen to your conscience. That whatever you think and do are good. They should be right and good. After all, you are good.
You are still asking, “Why am I here?”
Look at those hints given to you. See what you have and what you can do.
Live. Love.
Do what is good.
Do what gives life and love.
(Chris Dao-anis is an author, trainer and speaker who aspires to help you become a better you – that includes your team or your audience. He shares about leadership, communication, public speaking, productivity and personal finance. Invite him to speak or train by emailing him at info@chrisdaoanis.com. Visit www.chrisdaoanis.com for more details.)