People miss out on promotions, higher performance, and increased earnings because they do not put the effort in developing their public speaking skills.
Today, let me remind you of the three reasons why you should be intentional in growing your speaking skills.
First, it matters in employment. In a Harvard Business Review article by Rebecca Knight, she cites Dorie Clark, author of ‘Entrepreneurial You’ saying, “Having influence in the workplace has clear value. You get more done and you advance the projects you care about and are responsible for… You’re more likely to be noticed, get promoted, and receive raises.”
Before I was hired by one of the top auditing firms in the country, I was interviewed four times. I had to articulate well what I could offer to the company. Before I was promoted to a supervisory position in my previous company, I had to do a lot of coordination, presentations, meetings, and all sorts of conversations on top of my regular accounting tasks. With this, I was able to achieve the results required.
Coincidentally, my superiors also noticed my leadership potential. Thanks to those who helped me develop my speaking skills and to the experiences that helped me overcome my shyness.
Second, it matters in entrepreneurship. Billionaire Richard Branson said, “Today, if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur, you also have to be a storyteller… It is not enough to create a great product; you also have to work out how to let people know about it.”
Storytelling calls for communication. And oftentimes, stories are told through a speech or presentation.
When I published my first book in 2013, it has become my business to market it, to sell it, to reach more readers. I cannot just sit and let it speak for itself. I had to speak about it.
In two years, I was able to sell 80% of the printed copies (20% was given as gifts). My supportive friends would not have known about the book had I not spoke about it in a confident and comprehensible way.
Third, it matters in everyday life. Communication, which includes public speaking, is inevitable. It is almost comparable to air and water. You cannot live without communicating. That’s how it matters.
Brian Tracy also said, “Your ability to communicate with others will account for fully 85% of your success in your business and in your life.”
Warren Buffett, one of the world’s wealthiest men, also said, “You can improve your value by 50% just by learning communication skills – public speaking.”
Even if I do not quote these big names and cite studies, you know from experience, that communication and public speaking matters a lot.
It’s high time, my friend, to start being more intentional in exerting the effort to develop your public speaking skills. It will help you as an employee, or as an entrepreneur, and as a person.
Take that required step now. Read that book. Attend that workshop. Be part of that group. Learn from mentors. Start speaking up!
(Chris Dao-anis, CPA, DTM is a presentations coach, keynote speaker and trainer. He is an author of 4 books including ‘SPEAK: How to Craft and Deliver a Speech or Presentation’. Get a free copy of this book by registering to his public speaking workshop set on May 25 at or text 0917-858-9154.)