Nobody is self-made!
Often times, we hear about people tagged as self-made. For example, self-made millionaires or self-made men of the century.
But I believe that whoever that self-made man is, there has been someone who helped him in his way to the top. There has been someone who influenced him in his journey. There has been someone he admired and idolized who taught him how to move forward. There has been someone, even someone he may have hated who pushed him to make things better for his life.
This is the reason why I’m saying, “Nobody is self-made.”
Whether you are playing a big role or a small role in any undertaking, understand that neither the star performer nor the supporting character shall say they are on their own.
Today, we are reminded of these truths:
First, if you are the star performer, be reminded that you cannot do it all by yourself.
You cannot do it alone. You need a team.
Michael Jordan said, “Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships.” Because you may achieve something by yourself, but you achieve something greater when you work with a team.
Last Saturday, I launched my third book. I did not do it all. My friends from BIBPI helped me with the logistics, venue reservation and registration, my brother and kailian manned the book table, and my sister prepared the snacks. Another set of friends did some energizers, the hosting, the balloons set-up they call ‘pillars’ (by Session Events and Occasions Party Needs & Gift Shops), the taking of photos, room arrangement and others.
For the book, I had two editors: Augustin Dao-anis (a writer, teacher and journalist) and Maria Agnes Garcia (an educator, trainer and a dedicated Toastmaster). I asked seven awesome men and women to give their testimonials – Sha Nacino (Founder of the 90-Day Book Writing Challenge), Trixie Esguerra (Vision Board Coach), Divina Joy Ayungo (an accountant and also an author), Elizabeth Segura-Krueger (a communications professor), Nelson Dy (a Gintong Aklat Awardee), and Bo Sanchez (bestselling author and prolific preacher). Edric Mendoza (Lead Anchor of ANC On the Money) also got back to me some days ago.
I was able to come up with this book and share my stories because of my encounters with various people, several experiences shared with men and women, and through the words, pieces and actions that people have shared.
Yes, this is a self-published book but it was not made by a single self. It is a product of a wonderful synergy.
What if I decided to do it all? If I were the editor, I wouldn’t have corrected those numerous grammatical errors and lapses in my manuscript.
In my first book, I even asked someone to do some illustrations. If I were the illustrator, I would have turned my book into a mess. Thanks that I weren’t.
In every endeavor and if you are playing the star role, take it and make it your best shot but never tell yourself you can do it all. For your supporters can intensify the performance even more than what you expected as a sole performer.
On the other hand, what if you are the supporting character?
- If you are the supporting character, be reminded that your contribution is as important as the contribution of the star performer.
What if in the entire basketball career of Michael Jordan, nobody passed the ball to him? What do you think basketball history would have been?
What if my editors thought that their work is less important? What if my friends say that their roles won’t be valued? What if these men and women I requested to give testimonials didn’t even respond? It would have been a disaster. Thanks that they didn’t.
In every endeavor and if you are playing the supporting character role, take it and make it your best shot. Don’t ever discount your contribution. For your contribution can intensify the performance even more than what the star performer can do at his own best.
Admittedly, I was guilty of ignoring the help of other people. I was also guilty of belittling my own contribution to the team. But thanks that I realized this one day and is now being reminded today. Somehow, if you are guilty of this, too, then start doing something to correct it.
Remember, that as you play your two characters, you may be a star performer or a supporting character, never discount the help that others can give you and the help that you can give to others.
It is very important to appreciate the value that others can give us and the value that we can share to others. This is a must in life for nobody is self-made. That old-time line, “No man is an island.” is very true after all.
Today, let us ask ourselves: What is the help I can give? What is the help that others can give? How can we serve the world together?
(Chris Dao-anis aims to empower his fellow young minds with practical instruction and inspiration in the fields of communication and personal leadership. He is an author, trainer and speaker. For talks, seminars and speech coaching, email him at His latest book ‘Living Large in the Little Things’ is available at Mt. Cloud Bookshop, Casa Vallejo, Upper Session Road and at Psalms Bookstore (near Sunshine Supermart) in Baguio City. Other options are available at