The Philippines will be hosting a regional conference aimed at strengthening Southeast Asia’s technical and institutional capacities toward sustainable mangrove management in the face of climate change.
Slated for September 5 to 8, the second ASEAN Mangrove Congress is organized by the Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
DENR Secretary Roy A. Cimatu is expected to keynote the five-day conference with the theme: “Sustainable Management of Mangroves in the Course of Climate Change.”
This would be the second time the Philippines is hosting the event. The first ASEAN Mangrove Congress was also held in the country in December 2012 and was attended by 81 participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, and ASEAN development partner United States.
The upcoming conference will gather mangrove practitioners, government officials, scientists, and academicians who conducted research on mangroves in the ASEAN region.
It aims to update member countries and other participants on the latest research and development on mangrove resource and to enhance public awareness on the current pressing issues, impacts and threats on mangrove habitats, particularly climate change. The conference also seeks to promote the exchange of in-depth learning and good practices among ASEAN participants and to dialogue with development partners.
During the conference, ministerial representatives from Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam and the Philippines will present the reports on the status of mangrove management in their respective nations.
There will also be plenary talks on Mangrove Ecology, Functions and Fisheries; Mangrove Restoration and Rehabilitation; Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation and Socio-Economic and Valuation Studies. A workshop dubbed as “One ASEAN, One Mangrove” will also be conducted.
The delegates will also participate in an eco-tour, lecture and mangrove planting activity in Triboa Mangrove Park in Subic, Zambales.
By DENR – CAR Release