BAGUIO CITY – The City Council approved a resolution endorsing to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) the earlier request of the local government for the purchase of two new ambulances that will be used by the local government in improving the delivery of health care services to the people and enhancing disaster response.
The resolution stated that Mayor Mauricio G. Domogan, in behalf of the local government, requested DBM Secretary Benjamin Diokno for the provision of two new ambulances with a total budget requirement of P6 million to be used by the local government.
The resolution noted that one of the documentary requirements by DBM is a resolution from the local legislative body endorsing the said noble project geared towards improving the delivery of health care services among other important uses.
On August 17, 2018, Mayor Domogan wrote Budget Secretary Diokno requesting the provision of two units of ambulance with a budgetary requirement of P6 million for the use of the local government in its health care projects and disaster response.
On October 22, 2018, the City Mayor received a formal response from the DBM through a letter from Mr. Ryan S. Lita, Director IV of the said agency, favourably approving the request subject to the submission of necessary documents particularly a certification under oath from the local chief executive attesting that there is a Sangguniang resolution endorsing the proposed project and that the same is part of the duly approved local development investment program and annual investment program of the local government.
The local legislative body decided to defer action on the proposed resolution to validate whether the planned purchase of the two ambulances is included as part of this year’s local development investment program and annual investment program to conform with the requirements being asked by the DBM from the local government to avail of the said project under the budget department.
Domogan explained that the 2 ambulances that will be purchased by the local government through the DBM will help in facilitating the speedy delivery of health care services to the different barangays aside from contributing in efforts by concerned government agencies and the local government to enhance disaster response to help save lives and properties from being compromised.
The SK Reform Act was supposedly empower the youth to be active members of the society by involving themselves in the numerous youth-related activities geared towards molding the younger generations to become responsible and dedicated citizens of the city and the country as a whole.
Various SK councils could not actually conduct their desired businesses because of the absence of a quorum because of the incomplete SK kagawads that are supposed to act on proposals that will be submitted to the said councils for deliberations and appropriate action.
The SK federations in the different parts of the country had been following up the guidelines that were supposed to be crafted by the concerned government agencies for the filling up of vacant SK positions but their efforts were in vain considering the absence of the rules that will be issued for the said purpose.
By Dexter A. See