City officials recently reminded government agencies, instrumentalities, units, and offices to faithfully comply with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) 11261 or the First Time Job Seekers Assistance Act.
Under Resolution No. 067, series of 2024, local legislators stated that considering the financial situation of the parents, dependent first-time job seekers lacking extra budget and resources to acquire or obtain pre-employment requirements with fees or charges, the concerned issuing government offices or agencies are reminded of the purpose and spirit of the law.
Further, the council claimed that the consideration and action of the concerned offices in accordance with the intention of the law will not only help the said first time job seekers but also encourage them to apply for work the soonest and enter the world of employment that will greatly benefit themselves for their potential development and success as well as their families and the city as a whole.
The State affirms its commitment to promoting full employment and equality of gainful work and opportunities for its citizens. It is aligned with the International Labor Organization’s standing principle on employment policy that recognizes the implementation of economic and social initiatives in promoting full and productive employment.
Aside from being the education center of the north, the council claimed that the city is the Cordillera’s center of trade and commerce and a home of more than 366,000 residents as per the official data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). It also enjoys the luxury of having an ample work force and readily available for work and employment.
RA 11261 or the First Time Job Seekers Assistance Act was enacted and approved into law on April 10, 2019 and became effective on May 23, 2019. The law primarily seeks to ease the financial burden associated with employment requirements and other documents for fresh graduates and first time job seekers while ensuring and improving the accessibility of government services related to employment for first time applicants.
Moreover, the law identified who are eligible beneficiaries as one must be a Filipino citizen, first time job seeker, actively looking for employment and resident of the barangay issuing the required certification for at least six months.
The law directed that no fees and charges shall be collected for all qualified first time job seekers when obtaining requirements such as barangay certification and clearance for first time job seekers; police clearance issued by the local or national Philippine National Police (PNP) office; National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) clearance; medical certificate from public hospitals; certificate of graduation or completion and diploma issued by state universities and colleges and local universities and colleges; taxpayer’s identification number; issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and other documentary requirements such as the Civil Service Commission (CSC) certificate of eligibility; Philippine Health Insurance identification card; Philippine Overseas Employment Administration certificates; Mayor’s clearance issued by the business processing and licensing office; maritime industry authority certificates; Technical Education and Skills Development Authority national certificates and certificates of competencies for those who actually underwent the process of competency assessment; and other issued by the government agencies that may be required by employers from first time job applicants.
Copies of the approved resolution will be transmitted to the concerned government agencies, instrumentalities and entities for their information, guidance, ready reference and further needed action. By Dexter A. See