LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET – For the first time, the Department of Education includes television broadcasting as one of the events to be contested during schools press conferences this school year in pursuant to Republic Act 7079 or Campus Journalism Act of 1991.
In line with the DepEd’s national memorandum, the Benguet Division scheduled the annual conduct of Division Schools Press Conference on Nov. 20-22 at the Benguet National High School-Main, Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Through Division Memorandum No. 207, Benguet Schools Division Superintendent Federico P. Martin declared the conduct of the said province-wide campus journalism contest with the theme “Strengthening Freedom of Information through Campus Journalism.”
The different events to be contested in the individual category for both English and Filipino includes editorial writing, feature writing, news writing, sports writing, science and technology writing, editorial cartooning, photojournalism, and copyreading and headline writing.
Team-event contests constitute collaborative publishing and radio and television broadcasting per school for both English and Filipino categories.
In the group contest, the school publications per school in English or Filipino category shall be judged with the following sections: editorial page, feature page, news page, sports page, science and technology page, and layout and page design.
Each participant in the said Conference shall pay P625.00 only to defray meals, handouts, and others.
By Rose Virginie D. Killip